Fading Between Parameters
Many times it is useful to quickly script a "fade" or "swell" into the pattern editor. This means that you will raise or lower parameter values over a specified amount of time. Buzz makes this simple to do by making it possible to interpolate between two values in the same column anywhere in the pattern editor. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Move the cursor to the first field (which holds the start-value) in the fade and press Ctrl+B.

2. Move the cursor to the last field (which holds the end-value) in the fade and press Ctrl+E.  (just make a selection)

3. Now press Ctrl+I to make an interpolation between the two values.
4. Pressing Ctrl+U clears the selection.
Note: selecting more than one column and pressing CTRL+I will interpolate between the values in all the columns you selected, as long as there is a value specified at the beginning of the selection in that column and at the end of the selection in that column.